Server information covering the last 48 hours
Usage graph

HostnameFPS GamePlayer Club - USA (Team Insta...
IP & port104.200.28.85:27910
Total player time12 mins
Most players at once1
Server version7.71.6 x86_64 Oct 10 2023 linux-gnu
FPS GamePlayer Club - USA (Team Instagib) has served 4 maps in the last 48 hours
MapServed TimePlayed TimePeak players
dm-warmachine10 hrs, 57 mins8 mins1
dm-zorn10 hrs, 57 mins2 mins1
dm-furious-retro5 hrs, 33 mins2 mins1
dm-tetrigib20 hrs, 31 mins00
3 players have played on FPS GamePlayer Club - USA (Team Instagib) in the last 48 hours
NameTimeAverage ping
billy8 mins65.5 ms
skittles2 mins87.5 ms
Playerunnamed2 mins107.5 ms

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Database updated on Sat, 21 Sep 24 02:52:01 +0200. Page generated in 0.039 seconds.
© 2007 Tony Jackson - tonyj[at]cooldark[dot]com
Maintained by Jar-El